Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2!

Day 2: Call a friend you haven't spoken to in at least 6 months.

The thing about becoming an adult is that nine hour work-days take up most of your November day. Maybe the night before you felt defeated, discouraged, and cried all the way home, and then got lost for an hour and a half on 476 because of the crying, and you didn't get home until midnight so you got almost no sleep and then woke up for your nine hour work day. And in the middle of that nine hour work day, your roommate is texting you that the house is a mess, and you need to get your shit together, and the loan company is leaving you voicemails about wanting to take away all your money so that by the time you walk in the door, you feel like you just got hit by a cargo train, carrying Christmas-wrapped punches in the face.

What I'm trying to say is, even when you're trying your best to have a best-November-day, you still might have a bad day.

But this is what I love about the November project. I'm not trying to tell you that every day of November is going to the best day of your life, but days can still be extraordinary without being wonderful.

Let me explain.

Today, Day 2 of the November Project, was: “Call a friend you haven't spoken to in 6 months.” And God willing, one of my sisters was getting a call whether they wanted to talk to me or not. And I'm thrilled that after years of knowing me inside and out, Hannah still wants to hear my spastic voice through the phone. As you would imagine, we caught up on each other's lives and laughed at each other's almost-funny stories, but what made this November day special is not the actual words we said to each other—it was reconnecting with someone who knows me for me and shares in my happinesses. Who reminds me of what I have to offer. Who, when I tell her that my relationship is not only going well, but it's one of the only things I feel is “perfectly right” about my life, she says, “You deserve this. Not only because you deserve someone who loves you, but because I know what you've been through to get here. You deserve to feel loved.”

And that is what made my November 2nd extraordinary.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle, I think you have inspired me to actually call one of my long, lost sisters today before heading to Philly to be a chaperone for the Villanova girls! Hope you are ok even after your not so great day the other day!! Love you & so glad I am getting to know you better!
