Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 23!

Day 23: Six Word Memoir.

Sitting around a kitchen table eating turkey and stuffing, I think to myself...

I didn't write that damn blog post yesterday.

I am reminded by Holly's mom that she can't find Day 23, and by Matt that I need to find my motivation again, as we only have a week left. So here goes today in all of its six word memoir joy.

I went to the website first, and found some beautiful, some depressing, and some inspirational six word memoirs.

"Losing a mother. Gaining an angel."
"You don't complete me. I do."
"Best foot forward--cast and all."
"Come home. You're needed here too."

I love the creativity of this project, but I hate the limitations that it seems to put on life. Boiling it down to only six words? No.

You are more than your mother's death.
You are more than your quest for individuality.
You are more than your injuries.
You are more than your nostalgia.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am more than six words. Hell, I'm more than a resume. I'm more than a first impression conversation. I'm more than Twitter's 180 character limit. I am more than even I know, yet.

My six word memoir?

"Yes, I am more than this."

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